Terry Waldo’s Gotham City Band


“Terry Waldo, ragtime pianist nonpareil and eminent scholar of the form, is musical director and
arranger, at the piano. He acts too. Mr. Waldo is worth the price of a ticket.”


Terry Waldo, the protégé of the late Eubie Blake, is a virtuoso ragtime, stride, and blues pianist
as well as a vocalist and performer, famous for his dry wit.  Mr. Waldo is also an author,
composer, producer, band leader and theatrical music director. In a professional career that has
spanned over fifty years, Terry has produced and arranged over sixty albums, including his
newest on Turtle Bay Records: I Double Dare You which features Tatiana Eva-Marie and
Waldo’s Gotham City Band.  He is currently producing a podcast, This Is Ragtime and
a new documentary, This Is Ragtime: The Birth of American Music.

Artist website: http://www.terrywaldo.com/
Artist facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TerryWaldoMusic/

Date & Time

February 27, 2025

Begin time: 10:00PM
End Time: 1:00AM