A Classic NYC Bar Joint for the Ages

The concept of a tavern is almost as old as civilization itself, give or take a decade. Universally known and understood, the (often subjective) criteria of what makes a good watering hole changes as we age and our social needs and circles evolve.

Pouring smooth sips, making connections (old and new), and injecting rhythmic energy into the West Village is how Arthur’s Tavern has been beating since 1937 – a classic jazz bar with all the fixings that easily escape a particular type; instead, celebrating the joy and jive that sways outside of time and age.

Let’s take a swing, and see what necessitates an unforgettable evening at a go-to West Village bar, depending on where you are in life, because it might very well change when you jump ship from your 20s into your 30s, and so on.

For the Young Ones

A Thirst for More

The Storytellers & Regulars

Pour another, barkeep! The regulars can spot a good bar from a mile away. The taste here lies in the quality – time, drinks, events, and otherwise. It’s also more than just friendly faces, but names, each with their own story.

They’ve spent many an afternoon and evening here deeply captivated by the spirit of jazz and depth of history that so freely roams the halls. The status of the legendary speakeasies of days past and present becomes a topic of conversation shared across tables and in different chairs. They often have a signature drink and know a spot in the space for every kind of social moment – from the acoustic sweet spots to the quieter corners. Stick with ‘em – a good time will always be had!

The drink of choice: Never one to miss a special as well, these folks appreciate elaborate taste profiles and classic blends, with a soft spot for a Bourbon on the rocks, or a Whiskey neat.

Always Entering & Walking Out With Memories