Dani Assis Quartet


Meet Dani Assis: a Brilliant Vocalist and Composer, striking audiences with his agile, crooner sound. With a rich, deep heritage from the rhythmic heart of Brazil, Dani infuses every note with a blend of samba rhythms, bossa nova persuasion, and the rich improvisational traditions of jazz. Fresh off winning the 2024 Ella Fitzgerald Jazz Vocal Award, Dani is set to conquer the jazz scene with his captivating storytelling through music. Watch out for this rising star!

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOObmtIUmO4

Dani Assis: https://www.daniassis.com/

Date & Time

January 01, 1970

Begin time: 12:00AM
End Time: 12:00AM