Secret Drive


Founded in 2024, Chris Swan, a veteran piano player, singer, rapper, and entertainer who has been traveling the world, playing music for over 35 years, and Yuka Kameda, a rhythmically vibrant tap dancer and educator, met while performing at a Jazz Festival in New York City. The two hit it off with their mutual love of jazz and decided to continue creating music together.

Secret Drive’s mission is to show people how beautiful the world is and what is truly possible for their lives. “We don’t play to show you how good we are. We play to show you how good you are.”

By adding live tap dance, a visual representation of the rhythm section, we hope to change the way people view this beautiful African American art form. Tap can be a musical instrument and a part of a band, not strictly a solo or featured performance. “Tap is not only dance. It is music!”

Secret Drive is excited to return to Arthur’s Tavern on Thursday, August 8th. The band is joined by the renowned musicians, Ben Golder-Novick (Dave Matthews Band, Postmodern Jukebox, The Hot Sardines) on Sax and Clarinet, Steven Shinji Whipple (Postmodern Jukebox, Brian Newman) on Bass, and Steve Picataggio (The Four Phantoms, The Hot Sardines, Joe Wittman) on Drums.

Date & Time

April 18, 2024

Begin time: 7:00PM
End Time: 9:30PM